Christmas Gifts for Grandparents

Christmas Gifts for Grandparents 
Christmas is not just the party of children and youth, is also expected by older people as well. It is a day full of fun, joy and enthusiasm when people ignore their age enjoy the most. Party, party, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and the wonderful Christmas gift are an inevitable part of the celebrations. This is an occasion to share the love with loved ones and make them feel special. Celebrations However, in these, vivacious and energetic often tend to forget ", our grandparents did our very special occasion for us when we could not afford luxuries for ourselves. 

Remember how love year after year, his grandfather bought expensive sports equipment for you and how your grandmother made delicious delicious Christmas cake. This is now a phase of returning the love and care that you have to shower all his life. Christmas gifts is only one chance to make your grandparents are still considered to be loved and cared for, and still count as a member of the family. However, the majority does not matter much in small decorative pieces that can not even see clearly. Be smarter to find something that can really use and enjoy. Here are some Christmas gift ideas for grandparents can be used safely: 

Christmas Gift Ideas for Grandparents 

* I do not think older people have no love for life. You will be surprised that a travel package can delight their grandparents, as well as their children. However, choose one that offers an ample amount of rest and more amenities. Locations where medical services are readily available are better for the elderly who have heart disease or other medical problems. 
* You never realize the real truth behind 'Health is wealth "until it is old and his body is rounding into retirement. So, this Christmas gift from a health check tool to grandmother and grandfather as instruments for checking blood pressure and blood sugar at home. 
* You can also purchase a health certificate for them with local agencies that provide monthly, bi-monthly and annual checkups regularly. 
* If your grandparents live in another city, you can make your last Christmas throughout the year asking for volunteers to visit regularly to remove her loneliness and errands. These services cost a nominal price and in case of an emergency, can only communicate with you and take care of their grandparents while you're on your way. 
* Your grandmother will love roses and fresh flowers as much as your girlfriend, so try this Christmas. 
* If one or both of your grandparents like good food, gift them chocolates, cakes, pastries and other items that can aspire to love or chew easily, even if they have teeth. 
* Grandparents with weak eyes or eyeglasses or hearing aids to love Christmas.


Christmas Gifts for Young Children

Christmas gifts for young children 
Although Christmas is a festival of people of all age groups, the real excitement can be seen among children. In addition to the celebrations, cakes, candies and chocolates, you can not hide his enthusiasm for the gifts that Santa will bring them. On this occasion, to sit at the top of the world. Although girls have a universal and constant choice of Barbie dolls and beautiful dresses, it is very difficult to read the minds of young children. They, of course, can not be fooled by small arms and cars now. The growing market has refined taste of the children is too little and the kids definitely know what they want for Christmas. 

You should think twice before buying a gift for your child not to be disappointed after receiving your gift. It is always better to know your choice and technology needs. You should always try to buy things that will help them develop their skills and intelligence, because at this level is very important to have some physical exercise and mental development. Also, try to inculcate new habits like playing a guitar and Casio that he develops an interest in creative things like music and painting. You can also leave to develop a deep knowledge of the sport by giving away a game of sport hunting that are interested here are some ideas that will make you a favorite with the boy intends to give the gift of Christmas this year: 

Christmas gifts for young boys 

* If you go for an expensive exclusive gift for the child at issue in this Christmas, I buy the complete set equipment for the sport he loves. Arts may be cricket, football team, camping equipment or any other sport that comes in sizes small to fit the child's age. 
* Most children love to vehicles. It can range from CD remote control cars car games in the video for bikes and toy cars, including mopeds. 
* You can gift a soccer ball, volleyball or basketball at future Olympic champion. 
* Children of all ages will love shirts and hats with funny messages to flaunt. 
* Let your kids make their naughty minds this Christmas in detective games and puzzles to solve. 
* A baseball bat or a badminton racquet in small sizes to fit your little understanding will also be so loved. 
* This Christmas, a gift from a world of fantasy to your child by giving props, costumes and masks related to their favorite heroes, cartoon characters and action heroes. 
* If young children who love reading them a copy of interesting books and comics, as Robin Hood or Alice in Wonderland! 
* Harry Potter glasses, wigs, wand and a scar tattoo is hot with kids these days. So you can try that. 
* If you are interested in painting, buying a canvas and the colors is also a very good idea. 
* If your child has a little time after school, you can also gift him swimming lessons or guitar, if you love to do this. 
* If your child is interested in watching movies, giving a series of DVD films for children would be a great idea.


Christmas Poems for Teachers

Teachers are special in the life of every individual. An ideal teacher will not only teach the lessons, but also instill the qualities of patience, loyalty, honesty and boost the morale of their students. A teacher teaches some of the most important lessons of life that come handy in the long run. Christmas is a festival not only celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, but also aspects of relationships that are unmatched. A relationship unprecedented as it is shared between teacher and students. The festival is a great opportunity to show their respect, affection and gratitude to his master, who has been an important and influential person in your life in many ways. Dedicate a Christmas poem to your teacher. Read the article for a collection of popular Christmas poems for teachers. 

Christmas Poems For Teachers 

A teacher for all seasons 
A teacher is like spring 
Who feeds new green shoots, 
Encourages and leads 
Whenever you have doubts. 

A teacher is like summer 
Who sunny temperament 
Makes studying a pleasure, 
Prevention of discontent. 

A teacher is like the fall, 
With methods crisp and clear 
Lessons of bright colors 
And a happy atmosphere. 

A teacher is like winter, 
While it's snowing hard outside, 
Keeping the comfort of students, 
As a warm and helpful guide. 

Teacher, you do all these things, 
With a pleasant attitude; 
You're a teacher for all seasons 
And you have my gratitude! 
- Joanna Fuchs 

Do not forget to Jesus 
Christmas is a special time 
To reflect on Jesus Christ 
The wonder of his humble birth 
It gives meaning to our lives 
There is really no other reason 
We celebrate this day 
The birth of God's precious child 
And the life that voluntarily gave 

But it seems that both distract us 
The speed of our lives 
We lose our focus on all the events 
Not knowing, we will renounce Christ, 
We lose sight of the true meaning of 
As we endlessly rush 
Trying to find that perfect gift 
It seems cloud our Saviour out 

We have to stop and reflect for a while 
Remembering our precious Lord 
His birth, life and sacrifice 
And all that means 
For though the world may hold 
It seems that for other reasons 
Let's keep in mind that Jesus Christ 
It is the true meaning of the season 
- Author Unknown 

Why God made Teachers 
When God created teachers, 
He gave us special friends 
To help us understand your world 
And I really understand 
The beauty and wonder 
From what we see, 
And become a better person 
With each discovery. 

When God created teachers, 
He gave us special guides 
To show us ways to grow 
So we can all decide 
How to live and how 
What's right instead of wrong, 
To guide us so we can get 
And learn to be strong. 

Why God created teachers, 
In his wisdom and grace, 
Was to help them learn to make our world 
A better and wiser place


Christmas Gifts for Girls

Christmas Gifts for Girls 
Do not you love when your child is lit throughout the room with his smile of 1000-watt when receiving a precious gift? It becomes more special when it's Christmas. The girls love to get their favorite toys and dolls as Christmas presents. Some girls also love to play doll house games and indoor games like puzzles. However, you are the best judge to decide what gift to give your child this Christmas. Do not make the mistake of buying something that is not going to like it, but still useful. You do not want to see disappointment on Christmas, right? So check out our ideas and decide what Christmas gift that suit your child! 

Christmas Gifts for Girls 

* Barbie Dolls are still a favorite with all girls. She comes with a large family including her boyfriend Ben and lots of accessories, such as different clothes, shoes, wardrobe, kitchenette and many other things. All girls love to have many of them as they can get their hands on. 
* Hermione of the Harry Potter series has inspired many fans for his account and girls like to show off as Miss-Know-It-All. Thus, more and more books, CDs to learn how to make a good story book Christmas gift for intelligent girls who like to be always well read. 
* The love of cosmetics, clothing and jewelry in women has its roots in childhood and almost innate. So, give them quality products, safe to experiment and dressing up. You can buy hats, hats, dresses and shoes for girls, along with a few pieces of cheap jewelry to team up with. These things are never enough for girls and they love to get yet one more time. 
* Christmas gifts for little girls can not exclude the idea of ​​a small kitchen with utensils and false fruit, cakes and biscuits. See your mom get you pretty baby tea like his mother and his preparation for you and you certainly know that she loved very own tea set! 
* Some girls are a little more adventurous and love to ride wooden horses, play with blocks and solve puzzles. Finding appropriate learning toys to the child's age and see how your Christmas helps you navigate through the entire process of growth. 
* Some children show signs of being a precocious artist. Buy your crayons and drawing sheets, child version of his favorite musical instrument, craft kits and tents to play to help you create your own Arab world. I would definitely appreciate as Christmas gifts later, count on it. 
* If your child is little wonder, help develop your skills, you can buy your toy laptops and some great puzzle games. 
* Who says that girls are not interested in computer games? Just buy some CDs of his good computer game and see their reactions!


Best Christmas Quotes

Christmas is a festival that is celebrated with the same level of fun and seriousness. The fun element of the festival is reflected in their festival - by people celebrate holidays, singing carols and songs and decorating your tree beautifully. The serious part of the confines of the festival rituals and traditions followed since ages. Certain things associated with Christmas, such as quotations, songs, stories and legends that are the true essence of the party. Christmas stories and legends tell us the religious aspects of the party, while the quotes, songs and carols capture the various emotions of people during the holiday season. Check out this article for some of the best quotes of the party. 

Best Christmas quotes 

"Open your presents at Christmas but year round, thanks for the gifts we receive." - Lorinda Ruth Lowen 

"I wish we could put some of the spirit of Christmas in a jar and open every month." - Harlan Miller 

"Oh, for the good old days when people would stop Christmas shopping when they ran out of money." - Author Unknown 

"A Christmas candle is a beautiful thing; 
It makes no noise at all, 
But quietly given away. " 
- Eva Logue 

"From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist, would have to invent it." - Katharine Whitehorn 

"It's Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." - WT Ellis 

"Christmas is the time to buy gifts this year with the money next year." 
- Author Unknown 

"Christmas is not an eternal, but a piece of home that one carries in one's heart." - Freya Stark 

"Christmas is the sweetest, loveliest festival of the year, renewable - and yet, for all that when he speaks, his voice has strong authority." - WJ Cameron 

"Often Christmas cheer could romp 
The poor man's heart through half the year. " 
- Walter Scott 

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family, all in one another." - Burton Hillis 

"Christmas is a time when my home - even when you're home." - Carol Nelson 

"He who has not Christmas in his heart is not under a tree." - Roy L. Smith 

"Christmas waves a magic wand in this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale 

"At Christmas play and make good cheer, 
For Christmas comes but once a year " 
- Thomas Tusser 

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Do not wipe too quickly." - Andy Rooney 

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep the whole year." - Charles Dickens 

"There is no name so sweet on earth, no name so sweet in heaven's name, before he was born beautiful, Christ the Savior given." 
- George W. Bethune 

Is not it funny that at Christmas, something that just gets by - I do not know what exactly, but it's something you do not mind so much not having at other times. "- Kate L. Bosher 

"Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year round!" - Author Unknown 

"Christmas is not so much about opening our presents as opening our hearts." - Janice Maeditere 

"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we take, it's Christmas." 
- Dale Evans Rogers


30 Christmas Gift Ideas

The Christmas is a special time for gifts .. What would be Christmas without the wise men , Santa Claus, Christmas Eve. Eve ... 

But being original Christmas gift costs a lot. While some see as Christmas gifts every year repeats the same gift. Although some matching gifts, here are the list of suggestions for gifts and Christmas. We aocuparnos cheap gift ideas that can make young people particularly the elderly (but backwards).  

30 ideas for Christmas gifts very cheap
1. Frame a picture of you with them 
2. Bath oils and lotions. 
3. Agenda - daily, remind you, 365 days a year. 
4. A gourmet quality coffee with a personalized mug. 
5. A nice pen (no face) 
6. A photo album of memories or cuts with things that are endearing. 
7. Homemade cookies you baked yourself, and you've put in a special container. 
8. Chocolates. 
9. Assorted herbs and spices. If you become friendly with small jars filled with good spices, can be very special gift. 
10. A gift check. 
11. A CD made by you with the favorite songs of the person to give it away. 
12. A letter written by you by hand and with very good lyrics and nice on paper and very regretfully tell you the reasons why you appreciate that person. 
13. A small plant 
14. A movie ticket with popcorn (in grains) 
15. Jars with quality dried vegetables: beans, chickpeas, lentils. 
16. A nice shirt personalized with original details and humor. 
17. Paper stationery and office (there are designs and colors very original). 
18. An "IOU" enclosing a list of cute brochure (travel, massage, etc.).. Only someone you know very well. 
19. Do some point or instruct someone you know a little detail. 
20. Fill a lovely jar of different colored pieces of paper, each with a reason that you appreciate: "I appreciate you because ..." 
21. Suridos jams. 
22. Assorted homemade breads. 
23. Books 
24. A book of straight white kitchen in which you write some pages with your favorite recipes in the first pages. 
25. A souvenir DVD with video footage of special moments edited by you. It can also be a photo-based video and background music. On Youtube there are so many. 
26. Create your own artwork in a nice cardboard or boxed stationery collect short stories, poems, drawings, paintings, etc.. 
27. Scented candles 
28. A September to survive. 
29. A shaving kit. 
30. A box of various types of teas and fruit infusions varied, and so on. 


Tips for Riding the Stable in Bethlehem

1 Raise the portal
If you want the site or a house is what stands out around the crib, you can raise it with tin cans. For you are not lining it with aluminum foil and then surround it with moss or painting with watercolors in a dark brown, imitating the cork.
2 The thousand ways to the river.
The simplest, trim blue wrapping paper in the form of 'S' to mimic the riverbed. Some stones can put up to make a circle to simulate a lake. In stores you'll also find imitations of river and gifts. If you have more skill you saw a sheet of thin wood also as 'S' and then paint it white first and then blue, letting them see some pieces of white simulates flow. And if you're very crafty, you can create one with asphalt. Look for it-yourself centers. Need to cut the figure you want and then fold the edges up to take real water and it will not fall. There are also motorcillos that make the water flow. If you buy one of these must channel the water at the end of a tube and put a bucket underneath.
3 Way with bread crumbs.
If you need to create high portal is also a small hill. Place cans in a row of different heights, to imitate a road, and cover them with cardboard. Then check sawdust or otherwise, breadcrumbs. Take the road along the portal and decorate the edges with moss or stones. To not drop the sawdust can spread a little glue on the cardboard.
4 Cork in the portal.
If you have a portal with a house and you can use to put the cork on the edges and thus simulate a rock. Put holes in Christmas tape or fill with moss.
5 candles or lights.
When approaching Christmas candles are featured in many windows because they are a decorative motive. Look for poinsettias that mimic or even the Nativity figures. If you are that you can place the flowers along the way.
You can light the candles that you post or you can buy specifically for the portal lights that simulate light in the houses. If you have an outlet near perfect. If not, do not worry because you can attach the lights to a flask of batteries sold in any store where Christmas items.
6 The angel at the top.
To ensure that the angel is on the portal you can try to paste a piece of wire and nails on the roof. Paint the wire with blue paint. You can also attach it to a wooden or plastic and support just behind.
7 Herod and the people.
If you also want to create the portal people can raise the lower house of Herod, and to smaller houses, like the town. If the rest of the portal is from sawdust and moss, here you can use stones to build the roads. If the river runs through the cottages is where you will put the bridge.
8 Paper that mimics the rock.
Background of the portal you can paste on the wall paper that mimics the sky, the desert, the town or a special paper that simulates wrinkles and a little rock. This paper also serves to set up a portal, if you have not bought already made. Place it just behind the mule and the ox to give the effect of portal.
9 Trees with clay.
You can make green and brown plasticine and placed a palm tree near the source, along with the Magi and also make tiny trees for distribution throughout the portal. If you do not want to build a nursery for tiny seedlings. At that time, Holly is ideal for this.
10 Other original ideas
Learn to draw the stable in Bethlehem and decorate the rooms and rooms with fun pictures. You can also learn to draw to create your own greeting season. The crafts are a very original gift with which insurance secillo appealing.
If you want to learn more tricks, tips and ideas, be sure to visit our category Christmas , certainly not anything you miss the holidays.


Original Sentences to Congratulate Christmas

Discover how you can congratulate the holidays differently and fun
During the holidays are sent millions of text messages to mobile phones. Are you going to be your least? Discover which are the most original messages to congratulate the holidays.
1 A little dry humor.
Can you tell where are you? We are looking for you everywhere! You need to return urgently, you're too important, you know very well that you can not make the crib without the donkey. Happy Holidays!
2 could not miss an allusion to the 'horns'.
Congratulations, you are informed that was chosen from three million users to pull Santa's sleigh. In short pass to take measurements of the horns. Merry Christmas!
3 Word game 'real'.
Message to Leonor, the Kings are the grandparents ... Merry Christmas!
4 Carols Castilians.
Will you let me touch you wiwichu? wiwichu a merry merry crismas wiwichu to crismas, a merry wiwichu to japy niu crismas yir an ... Merry Christmas!
5 For your closest friends.
This year, I congratulate the people I love, to those who, when looking at the mobile agenda and read his name escapes you a smile, and thank you to say: Merry Christmas!
6 Congratulations telephone operator.
This year, the Kings are not going to come to your city, because they had contracted with our company services. Sorry for the inconvenience and Merry Christmas.
7 Corruption urbanist not go unnoticed.
Bethlehem Mayor Arrested for requalify the portal. The Magi are involved. The child born in a chalet. Santa Claus is presented as a prosecutor. Merry Christmas!
8 Do not forget you're at Christmas!
At birth, God gave me the choice between being bueniiiĆ­sima or a good memory so happy Fault!
9 Allusions to the crisis, how could it be otherwise.
This year it is difficult to wish 'happy christmas'. Return to be 'happy' when there is no 'crisis-more. " Merry Christmas!
10 More congratulations!
Increasingly, social networks develop applications for mobile devices. They are comfortable, easy to use, you can reach many people with the same message and best of all, they're free!

Do you know what message you send? Here we offer a few free congratulations to each of them: how to compliment the Christmas through Facebook , I congratulate the WhatsUp Christmas through , I congratulate Christmas through Myspace and I congratulate Christmas via Twitter . Do not forget anyone this Christmas.
If you do not want to forget about their fans on MySpace, here we leave you a few ideas.
If you want to go getting ready the congratulations of Eve , here are a few links left depending on the support that you will use: Facebook , WhatsUp , Myspace and Twitter and MySpace 
Discover all the possibilities.
And if you want to be king this Christmas and know more tricks, tips and ideas, be sure to visit our category Christmas , certainly not anything you miss the holidays.


How to Decorate the Christmas Table

How to Decorate the Christmas Table ? It is the best day to leave the center table all evening long as no more than 30 inches high
1 A white cloth, with a Christmas motif.
Before putting the need to put a fleece cloth or rubber to protect the table. After the cloth. Iron it to remove all wrinkles from being folded. When you select it, try to be white, to highlight everything you put on the table. You can also buy some white with a small Christmas decorations. Try not to be very heavy. If you prefer a touch of color to the table and opt for a green or red cloth, try to keep the colors of the rest of the table are white. The tablecloth should hang over the sides no more than a third of the way there on the table to the floor.
2 matching napkins and never tucked into the cup.
The napkins should be made of fabric to match the cloth, or paper, but quality. The ideal size is about 40 centimeters. Be placed in the left side of the feeder or on the plate, but never in a cup. In acasiĆ³n some have told me that the napkin is placed only on the right side once you've finished dinner.
3 The centerpiece, of the way.
The holiday center should not have a height greater than about 30 cm. not to disturb the guests. You can put a home into a source dried flowers, pinecones, ribbons and candles. If the table is very large, you can put two centers. If you do want to put candles on a candelabra. The candle should be lit only when dinner is at night and the candle should not have an odor, not to disturb the palate.
4 show off the dishes.
First, the towelettes Coasters, after the flat plate and finally the deep. If the dishes have a drawing it must be at twelve o'clock. The higher edge of the plate should be aligned with the edge of the table.
5 Cups should also serguir order.
The cups must be put in the top right of the dishes. Place, from left to right, the water, followed by white wine and finally the red wine. As Christmas can also set the champagne. Usually out at the end to not load a lot of table.
6 Your bread is to the left.
To the left of the dishes have to put another smaller dish to make bread. If you put butter on the right you can leave in a bowl with a special knife for spreading.
7 The covered, from the outside inward.
The movie Pretty Woman was a before and after the use of those covered by the phrase "outside-in." To the right of the plate should be the knife, with the sharp looking toward the plate, and spoon. On the left fork. Cutlery should be placed from outside to inside the order of the dishes. If there is a special cover for shellfish (forceps) should be on the right. Dessert silverware can be placed on the upper plate.


Ideas to Decorate Your Christmas Tree

The tree is the star item of the Christmas decorations. Learn which tree to buy, how to keep it and how to decorate home with these tricks.
1 First, the tree.
Whether you want to buy natural or artificial first thing you should do is measure the corner of the house where you want to put. This measure looks at what holds the base of the tree you have chosen. If you buy natural checks that the leaves are green and try to move it to see if they fall much, if so, watching another. Once home you should put in a pot with soil, mulch and stones at the bottom for drainage. Do not forget to water it. If you see a branch is very large, you can trim it and use the tips to make a centerpiece or a wreath for the door.
2. The time to decorate.
Sure you have ornaments from other years. If this time you decide to make homemade, think of a general or a color and look natural and creative materials.
3. Make the cork balls and glitter.
If you do not forget homemade ornaments paste thread for hanging. To make the balls are several ways to decorate them. 
1 .- for a Styrofoam ball with a marker and divide it into four pieces. Then cut pieces of fabric the same size and glue. 
2 .- covers the first Styrofoam ball with glue and then glitter bright. 
3 .- rope lines the ball of string. 
4 .- if you know how to crochet, get a crystal ball and wrap with a towel hook.
If you like crafts, you can draw Santa Claus , a Christmas tree , a beautiful star in the east , and so on.
Visit our sub-category of crafts and discover lots of new ideas.
4. Pineapples always look good.
You can also use the time of the year and collect some pine cones. Before you decorate them clean with a dry cloth to remove traces of soil, they may have. When you are clean, paint one by one in silver or gold using spray paint or glitter. Nuts can also look good.
If you want to appear to have snow or are icy, give a touch of Christmas decorating them even more with some snow home , you will see how beautiful they are.
5. ties, boxes ...
Take some small boxes gift you made, or the drug, to create ornaments as gifts. Just wrap it in paper or cellophane or silver coated paper. Then paste a link or do it yourself stationery with a piece of cloth or satin. Take the fabric to make much larger bonds to be served unadorned. Make them and stick them on a piece of cardboard to avoid falling.
6. Do you remember the ridges?
Everybody buys tinsel ribbons to wrap around the bush. You may want to make paper chains patent. This short little strips. Paste the first at the ends and then the rest as links in a chain.
7. starts to decorate the tree.The lights.
Once you have all decoration materials, begins to decorate the tree. First the lights. You put the bottom up and be careful so that they are distributed throughout the tree.
If you like decorating the house with Christmas decorations have a video dedicated to how to spend little money. Click on the link on decorating you may be surprised the number of ideas we have prepared.
8. The ornaments light at the end.
Then the other ornaments. The heavier hang them in the middle and the lightest on the outside of the branches.
9. Top it off 
At the top of the tree by placing a star or an angel. These you can find them at many stores or you can make Christmas yourself, in the same way you did the balls. You can also get Styrofoam stars to decorate as you like.
This link will show a video how to place the star on the tree.
10. Put the gifts in the base of the tree.
If you can make gifts of ornaments for the tree, this will give a more Christmas. If the tree is artificial, you can put a cloth under red or green. If you've planted in the pot, you can also wrap the pot with silver paper or colored cellophane.
If you want more ideas on how to decorate the tree's base visit the following link .
If you want to learn more tricks, tips and ideas, be sure to visit our category Christmas , certainly not anything you miss the holidays.


The Christmas Tree Picture

The Christmas tree
What house there is now a Christmas tree? The Christmas tree has grown to over to Bethlehem as a Christmas identification. 

Origins of the Christmas tree tradition
The Christmas tree tradition is a very confusing origins. From ancient Germanic belief that a giant tree that held the world and its branches were supported in the stars ... The early Christians who came to Europe, finding that the barbarians were celebrating the birthday of one of their gods, decorating an evergreen tree, on the date next to Christmas, the idea gradually took the tree completely changed the meaning.

St. Boniface was also in Germany, the first to plant a pine tree as a symbol of God's eternal love. According to tradition, adorned it with apples to symbolize the original sin and light candles to represent the world.

But the truth is that the origins and history of the Christmas tree is full of other legends and stories varied:

One such story tells of a generous priest who lived 400 years ago and every night Alsalcia Christmas, distributed among the underprivileged inhabitants of their people food, clothing and money collected during the year.

One day, while preparing the packages for poorer faithful, the priest admired the beautiful night and came up with the gifts hang on the branches of a fir tree near the church. The poor could then also enjoy the starry sky that night while singing clear under the tree sacred songs. So nice was the meeting that since the tree was the center of the Christmas party.
Another legend has the tradition to England and placed in the eighteenth century under the reign of George III. The king's wife, Queen Charlotte, was characterized by his kindness to his subjects and in 1765 decided to install one of the largest rooms of the palace, decorated Easter tree with garlands, lights, toys and all kinds of gifts .

The Christmas tree today
This Christmas tree tradition is already well developed in the nineteenth century, especially in Europe, but soon spread to America and eventually to other continents.

Be an artificial tree (there are really good) or natural, the fact is that one of the irreplaceable rites today in Spain is to mount the tree with a number of components:

several motifs
Those who receive gifts from Santa Claus put the boot, sock or bag hanging from tree and its environment are usually left the presents from Santa Claus.


Creative Christmas Cards

Christmas cards : The emblematic Rudolf and Santa Claus have two photo frames included in this postal blue folding Christmas card. It also appears the bag of gifts from Santa Claus and Christmas themes and holidays.

Templates to prepare your own Christmas cards, personalized with photographs, which you must climb. The issue is automatic, so you get the mount without having knowledge of graphic editing. Santa Claus, The Three Wise Men, motifs and decorations, winter and Christmas, all to decorate your picture and make it a unique card. To send this holiday as a reminder or greeting.


History of Christmas and Santa Claus

History of Christmas | Merry Christmas in Languages ​​of the World | Christmas Trivia | Three Kings | Santa Claus | Other Characters Christmas | Christmas Special Dates
The figure of the bearded old man red suit, white beard and red cheeks has become a central character of Christmas around the world, displacing even the venerable often Magi or Three Kings, as many know him.

But who is this man known by some as Santa Claus, Santa Claus or St. Nicholas by others, how we can write an email and what you have to say

Who was Santa Claus?

In some areas he is known as Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus sometimes as Santa Claus or Father Christmas. But ... Where did the custom of the children on Christmas Eve visit with gifts and goodies, this sturdy, bearded character dressed in red?.

San Nicolas de Bari was a very popular saint is believed to have died on 6 December in the year 345.

However, as the day is close to Christmas, I remember at that time. Santa Claus evolved from the German name of the saint: St. Nikolaus. 

Exposes St. Methodius, Archbishop of Constantinople, the biographical data of San Nicolas, which says that belonged to a very wealthy family, was born in Lycia (Turkey) and from an early age helped the poor, distributing their wealth.

He was ordained priest, and professed in a monastery. Later he was appointed bishop in Myra (Turkey).

Therefore, in the east is known as St. Nicholas of Myra, although, when Turkey was invaded by the Mohammedans, some Catholics took-in 1807 - the saint to Bari (Italy) and named St. Nicholas of Bari. He was also called "the Great". 

Believers have prayed for miracles, and say their support arrived.

From the sixth century, we have built many temples dedicated to this saint. Is a trustee of Russia, Greece and Turkey.

Children venerate him from the time he lived, helping the needy, and give gifts and sweets.

It is also venerated by sailors of the Mediterranean they say that quiets the storm waters. And many of the faithful pray to ask the saint to intercede with its vicissitudes.

According to information sent to us:

The coup de grace in the transformation of St. Nicholas in the current icon in the literature gave the Protestant pastor Clement C. Moore (in the commercial was the Coca Cola) who published the December 23, 1823 a poem called "A story about the visit of St. Nicholas." I think his inspiration was the Dutch legend on this subject. 
The elements that are added to the tradition are many: 
The famous Jo Jo Jo, the technique for getting through the chimneys, the names of the reindeer and appearance.

The inspiration besides the Dutch legend also has elements of the god Odin or Wotan who was traveling in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. 

Formerly St. Nicholas knocked at the door, he was on horseback, no ribs, and his costume changed a bit. Recall that already had the concept of the old man in red robes for St. Nicholas was bishop, and when released from prison in time of Constantine, had a long white beard. Of course, this author added items to your outfit and change flashy suit, black boots and belt Coke was undoubtedly one of the more radical influences. 

The names of the reindeer: 

Dasher (Brioso), Dancer (Dancer), Prancer (Acrobat), Comet (Comet), Cupid (Cupid), Donner (Thunder), Blitzen (Lightning), Vixen (Messing) and Rudolph that appeared later. 


The Birth of Jesus Christ Pictures

Birth of Jesus drawings, photos and drawings from the Birth of Jesus, images of the birth of Jesus, drawings and photos of the birth of Jesus, portrait of the birth of Jesus, Birth of Jesus 

After Mary and Joseph had come to Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to her baby in a lowly manger of straw in a barn with the animals. 
This place was all that they had been able to accomplish during your stay in Bethlehem. There were people who had material wealth. But they had a huge responsibility and honor of raising and educating the children of God.

The heat of Mary, a poor and humble cot blankets made of straw so cherished. 
At the same moment, a short distance away, a group of pastors REST with their flocks of sheep. The shepherds in the starry nights often grouped among themselves to discuss and protect each other from wolves and thieves lurking in the area.

Being all together suddenly saw a bright light caught them, they were greatly afraid. 
The light that dazzled was an angel came to them and told them not to fear and told them that the Messiah was born. He also explained how to get the stable where Jesus was and how they find the little boy.

Thousands of heavenly angels in heaven singing "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." 
Thus the shepherds came and found stable with Mary, Joseph and a very special baby wrapped in blankets in a crib simple made of straw, as he had described the angel. 
The shepherds knelt before the child and worshiped him, told Mary and Joseph what had happened that night, and the announcement of the angel. 
Mary heard these words carefully, while thinking that God was strengthened directing all things. She knew exactly where her son and while he was in a lowly manger God was with them.

Thus, Jesus, the deliverer that the people of Israel had waited for so long, was born in a stable, far from the glow of the great palaces and the celebrations surrounding the birth usually a king.


Free Christmas Tree Pictures

Free Christmas Ttree Pictures
Much of the Christmas tree tradition stems from a European legend is said that during a cold winter night, a child seeking refuge. He was received at home a woodcutter and his wife and he was fed. During the night, he became an angel dressed in gold: it was the baby Jesus. To reward the goodness of the elderly, took a branch of a pine tree and planted them said, promising that each year would bear fruit. And so it was given that tree nuts, apples of gold and silver. 

For its part, the Germans wore their trees in winter (when they lost leaves) so that good spirits lived in them to return soon. The most common ornaments were apples or painted stones. It is said that this was the origin of the ornaments. Crystal balls were added around 1750 in Bohemia. The habit of the tree spread to Europe and America during the nineteenth century.
