The Christmas Tree Picture

The Christmas tree
What house there is now a Christmas tree? The Christmas tree has grown to over to Bethlehem as a Christmas identification. 

Origins of the Christmas tree tradition
The Christmas tree tradition is a very confusing origins. From ancient Germanic belief that a giant tree that held the world and its branches were supported in the stars ... The early Christians who came to Europe, finding that the barbarians were celebrating the birthday of one of their gods, decorating an evergreen tree, on the date next to Christmas, the idea gradually took the tree completely changed the meaning.

St. Boniface was also in Germany, the first to plant a pine tree as a symbol of God's eternal love. According to tradition, adorned it with apples to symbolize the original sin and light candles to represent the world.

But the truth is that the origins and history of the Christmas tree is full of other legends and stories varied:

One such story tells of a generous priest who lived 400 years ago and every night Alsalcia Christmas, distributed among the underprivileged inhabitants of their people food, clothing and money collected during the year.

One day, while preparing the packages for poorer faithful, the priest admired the beautiful night and came up with the gifts hang on the branches of a fir tree near the church. The poor could then also enjoy the starry sky that night while singing clear under the tree sacred songs. So nice was the meeting that since the tree was the center of the Christmas party.
Another legend has the tradition to England and placed in the eighteenth century under the reign of George III. The king's wife, Queen Charlotte, was characterized by his kindness to his subjects and in 1765 decided to install one of the largest rooms of the palace, decorated Easter tree with garlands, lights, toys and all kinds of gifts .

The Christmas tree today
This Christmas tree tradition is already well developed in the nineteenth century, especially in Europe, but soon spread to America and eventually to other continents.

Be an artificial tree (there are really good) or natural, the fact is that one of the irreplaceable rites today in Spain is to mount the tree with a number of components:

several motifs
Those who receive gifts from Santa Claus put the boot, sock or bag hanging from tree and its environment are usually left the presents from Santa Claus.


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