History of Christmas and Santa Claus

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The figure of the bearded old man red suit, white beard and red cheeks has become a central character of Christmas around the world, displacing even the venerable often Magi or Three Kings, as many know him.

But who is this man known by some as Santa Claus, Santa Claus or St. Nicholas by others, how we can write an email and what you have to say

Who was Santa Claus?

In some areas he is known as Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus sometimes as Santa Claus or Father Christmas. But ... Where did the custom of the children on Christmas Eve visit with gifts and goodies, this sturdy, bearded character dressed in red?.

San Nicolas de Bari was a very popular saint is believed to have died on 6 December in the year 345.

However, as the day is close to Christmas, I remember at that time. Santa Claus evolved from the German name of the saint: St. Nikolaus. 

Exposes St. Methodius, Archbishop of Constantinople, the biographical data of San Nicolas, which says that belonged to a very wealthy family, was born in Lycia (Turkey) and from an early age helped the poor, distributing their wealth.

He was ordained priest, and professed in a monastery. Later he was appointed bishop in Myra (Turkey).

Therefore, in the east is known as St. Nicholas of Myra, although, when Turkey was invaded by the Mohammedans, some Catholics took-in 1807 - the saint to Bari (Italy) and named St. Nicholas of Bari. He was also called "the Great". 

Believers have prayed for miracles, and say their support arrived.

From the sixth century, we have built many temples dedicated to this saint. Is a trustee of Russia, Greece and Turkey.

Children venerate him from the time he lived, helping the needy, and give gifts and sweets.

It is also venerated by sailors of the Mediterranean they say that quiets the storm waters. And many of the faithful pray to ask the saint to intercede with its vicissitudes.

According to information sent to us:

The coup de grace in the transformation of St. Nicholas in the current icon in the literature gave the Protestant pastor Clement C. Moore (in the commercial was the Coca Cola) who published the December 23, 1823 a poem called "A story about the visit of St. Nicholas." I think his inspiration was the Dutch legend on this subject. 
The elements that are added to the tradition are many: 
The famous Jo Jo Jo, the technique for getting through the chimneys, the names of the reindeer and appearance.

The inspiration besides the Dutch legend also has elements of the god Odin or Wotan who was traveling in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. 

Formerly St. Nicholas knocked at the door, he was on horseback, no ribs, and his costume changed a bit. Recall that already had the concept of the old man in red robes for St. Nicholas was bishop, and when released from prison in time of Constantine, had a long white beard. Of course, this author added items to your outfit and change flashy suit, black boots and belt Coke was undoubtedly one of the more radical influences. 

The names of the reindeer: 

Dasher (Brioso), Dancer (Dancer), Prancer (Acrobat), Comet (Comet), Cupid (Cupid), Donner (Thunder), Blitzen (Lightning), Vixen (Messing) and Rudolph that appeared later. 


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